Reformasi dalam Kekuasaan Presiden (1998). Doctoral program, University of Northern Illinois, United States. Master program, University of Ohio, United States. Undergraduate program, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (*)ĪREAS OF EXPERTISE GENERAL ELECTIONS AND DEMOCRACY, STUDY OF THE PRESIDENCY, REGIONAL AUTONOMY Moreover, he was awarded “Election Partners” and “Election Observers” from the Indonesian Election Supervisory Body of Indonesia and the Indonesian Elections Commission for his contribution to the elections in Indonesia, both in 2014. He was also awarded in the Indonesian Government Science Society event in 2013 for the category of Government Science. Currently, he has been assigned as the Chief Executive of the Selection Committee for Candidate Members of Election Supervisory Body (2012-2017). This man born in Karo was also a Senior Advisor on Election for the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia (2008-present) and much more contributions on the issues of political parties in Indonesia. In 1998, he was once a member of Team Seven for Preparing Four Drafts of Law on Political Parties, while in 2000-2001 as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee for Changes in Election Law, and as a Member of the House of Representatives and the Regional House of Representatives. The man, Professor of Comparative Politics at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga, served as the Vice Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) in 2001 – 2004 continued with being appointed as Chairman of the Commission in 2004-2007.
His contributions in the realm of elections did not stop there. A number of his writings were printed in Harian Kompas “Urgensi Kodifikasi UU Pemilu” in November 2015, “Parpol, Penggerak Demokrasi” in January 2016 and many more. In addition to the books, he wrote articles on political parties and elections in several media. He also wrote a series of electoral books together with Kemitraan, namely “Menyederhanakan Waktu Penyelenggaraan Pemilu: Pemilu Nasional dan Pemilu Lokal” in 2011, “Membangun Sistem Kepartaian Pluralisme Moderat” in 2011, and “Mendorong Demokratisasi Internal Partai Politik” in 2013. In 1992, he released “Memahami Ilmu Politik “. In 1984, he published his book “Perbandingan Sistem Politik”. As an expert in the field of political science, he has written a lot of books. Later, he earned a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Political Science from the University of Northern Illinois, US.
In 1982, he completed his master at the University of Ohio, USA. He completed his undergraduate study in Public Administration, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta in 1977. Ramlan Surbakti was born in Karo, North Sumatra on June 20, 1951.