
Zkfinger Sdk 5.0
Zkfinger Sdk 5.0

Zkfinger Sdk 5.0 Zkfinger Sdk 5.0

Please refer tó our Terms óf Use and Privácy Policy or Cóntact Us for moré details. Quality control cán be applied tó accept only góod quality fingerprints fróm fingerprint scanners. SDK functionality is based on a simplified version of VeriFinger algorithm. There are driver, development documents and Demo inside SDK, it will help you to develop.Īllows reading fingérprints only from scannérs, storing up tó 10 fingerprint records in an internal database and performing fingerprint verification (1-to-1 matching) only.

Zkfinger Sdk 5.0

Zkfinger Sdk 5.0 Series Fingerprint Scanners.

Zkfinger Sdk 5.0